Day 1 of Singapore...
Let me tell you the story of my trip to Singapore, land of his highness the Merlion...
Once upon a time, in a land governed by Jun Bernabe, lived a lady and her blue suitcase (packed with predetermined outfits). She was feeling a little under the weather, which explains why she has 5 packs of travellers tissue in hand. In one of those rare moments, she woke up early on the morning of November 17. After a hearty breakfast of eggs, corned beef, and garlic rice, she and her parents went to the airport.

Thus begins the tale of the 5 day Singapore adventure...
'Nuf of the third person monologue!
At the airport, I couldn't easily dismiss my apprehension about my health condition. I was taking thousands of miligrams of ascorbic acid, and I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to enjoy the trip, more so, survive it!
Anyway, company proved to be the best vitamin C. Chit chat with Irene and her sister made me feel a little better (although we were exchanging stories in between nose blowings)
I was pretty happy we chose Singapore Airlines. I was impressed by how organized they were in getting our boarding passes while we waited, pre-boarding. I especially loved the interior of their aircraft! Pretty darn amazing!

Leg room was better, and we had personal TVs! Three hours just flew past us, and I had Will Farrell and his new crew keeping me entertained! I would have to say then, among all the planes I've boarded, this one proved to be the best.

My travel companions were in deep thought during the first hour of the flight... or NOT! Twas more of trying to understand the intricacies of CIA involvement in consipracies (hello Jason Bourne), and the complexities of a serial killer's profession (hello... Mr. Collateral).

The Changi Airport was simply divine! Very similar coolness points between this airport and the Narita Airport in Japan. The picture above, though, is that of our beloved hotel, Copthorne Orchid hotel, Dunearn Road. Not exactly a stone throw away from Orchard Road. But it was comfortable nonetheless. Compare if you may, this actual picture with the promised picture a few blogs ago... Not bad huh?

Define Orchard Road? Redefining the shopping experience!
If there's a place I wanna be when I finally become successful in my future business dealings, it's Orchard Road. Louis Vuitton shops left and right baby! And what's even more amazing is how sooo many Singaporean women (and tourists, I'm sure), have taken a liking AND ownership! to these heavenly bags. In sight, too were Gucci, Burberry, Fendi, and Hermes bags... Can I please wallow in my pool of envious saliva?
I would say twas also the perfect time to visit Orchard Road. The holiday spirit was alive in the air... and in the streets! Christmas decors adorned each of the major malls, and the roads themselves! Twas pretty festive!

After shopping and staring at must haves for the season, we went back to our hotel and freshened up for an evening of Chili Crab and delicious Satay. These guys definitely knew what to do with peanuts to concoct such a delish satay sauce. Yummy! We dined alongside tourists and locals, occasionally glancing at the bumboats afloat.
After Boat Quay, we walked the calories off to Clark Quay. It was nearly a twenty minute walk. We crossed this bridge to officially enter Clark Quay territory, where we found more souvenir shops, and Australian street performs. It was hot and humid, so I had to buy a fan! It proved to be one of my best purchases throughout the trip...
Other thoughts I have - -
I was pretty amazed at how powerful McDonald's has become in immersing itself into our local culture! I mean, since we have a McDo here in Manila, we've all become pretty accustomed to burgers fries, mcnuggets and whathaveyous. It's not exactly Filipino food, but it's Filipino in a way. Because when you're in a foreign country, where taste testing and dish-heroics may prove to be an expensive risk to take, retreating to the familiar McDonald's offerings has become the most obvious option! Pretty cool... and powerful!
Oh Singapore... How I adore thee! And day one promised more fun days to come...