Thursday, March 29, 2007

[From the Music Baul] Somebody

We celebrated Marchae's beeday yesterday (pics to follow) at Virgin Cafe, Tomas Morato. I don't think anyone needs to second guess who performed. Haha. Syempre. There was something different last night though. Joey G was in a really great mood. The two Joeys and Levon greeted Marchae a Happy Birthday. It's always a nice surprise when you bring people from your different circles of friends together and everyone gets along great. Highlight for the evening for me though was when Joey B sang Depeche Mode's Somebody oh-so-softly. It was as if he was just talking to us.... all 200+ audience members. Haha.

Anyway, this song is kinda old. Maybe overplayed at some point in time. But it's just a great song. I think if I had heard Joey B singing this last Valentine's day, I wouldn't bawled like a baby all evening.

I guess the "somebody" in this song isn't exactly someone who's fairy tale-sque or perfect. But these days, who wouldn't want a somebody who knows your intimate details, or cares for you passionately (with every thought and with every breath)?

by Depeche Mode

I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me

I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of
Those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it

[From the Music Baul] Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Baz Luhrmann, the Aussie creative genius behind "Moulin Rouge", "Romeo+Juliet", and "Strictly Ballroom", released this song a few years ago. I visited Apo's blog and found snippets of the song there. I remember the first time I heard this song. It was my first year here in the office, and MP3s were being passed on from one PC to the next. So much wisdom in this song. And lots of really good insights.

Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable
than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you
imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing
bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm
on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing everyday that scares you Sing Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with
people who are reckless with yours. Floss Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes
you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with
yourself. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you
succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. Stretch Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your
life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year
olds I know still don’t. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe
you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky
chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your
choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever
own.. Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for
good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the
people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you
should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and
lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you
knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live
in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize
that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were
noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund,
maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one
might run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will
look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who
supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the
ugly parts and recycling it for more than
it’s worth. But trust me on the sunscreen…

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Quota na for the week

I'm all set for this week! I got my weekly dose of Karina and Keysi quite early into this last week of March.

I met up with Karina yesterday and we had a quick dinner at TOSH along Valero. Coincidentally, Rommel and his law school friends were reviewing at the Starbucks next door! It was nice to see Rommel. I was teasing Karina about the nice, nice Bath and Body body splash which Lery gave me. Green Clover and Aloe. Kars has been looking for that scent forever, and I was just smelling nice! Haha!

Sporadic is as sporadic does. Keyce called me whilst I was shutting my computer down tonight. I was on my way home, kinda looking forward to sleeping earlier than usual. Of course, Miss Kaladkaring-may-nunal-sa-talampakan couldn't resist not inviting Keysi to dinner! We met up at Zen (although I initially thought it was Haiku) and well... Our eyes almost popped out of their sockets when the Mix(ed) Maki we ordered landed on our table... Plus the steak and shrimp dinner. Grabe. Lamon ito.

Haaay... I love my girls. They know me oh-so-well, and good times lang all the time when we hang out.

Random Thoughts today...

** Keyce was sharing one of her good friends' sentiments about "the one". She currently has someone in her life who she knows (for now) isn't the one. She is waiting to meet someone to confirm that Mr.-always-present-in-her-life isn't "the one". Then again, meeting someone new might make her realize that Mr.-always-present-in-her-life is in fact "the one". Did that make sense?? Haha. I don't think it's about compromising... Not exactly. I guess when we have someone in our life who could be "the one", forgetting them completely is kind of difficult. Until someone else comes along. Rommel did say once, "the best way to get over someone is to hook up with someone else." Hmm... in my case, I have a pretty hard time getting over someone. Maybe it's the Scorpio in me who tends me be loyal. It takes time. It takes hitting a wall. Haha.

** Bought two CDs today. The best of Oasis and Foo Fighters' Skin and Bones. What is it with these Alternative bands who I am quite interested in lately? I like Champagne Supernova! Especially the line, "... You and I, we live and die. The world keeps spinning 'round, we dunno why. Why? Why? Why?"

** I think I said this in my previous entry... being excited about what the future brings. I guess last year, I had my mind set on a particular series of events which didn't exactly materialize. I was upset and confused. I'm glad this month's kind of a different story. I realized that there's really no use in obsessing over the course of events. So much of it is out of my control. I guess if you have your sights set on one particular path, if it goes the other way, it's just quite upsetting. The future I wanted to become a reality was so one-dimensional. Now, Schmenten's feeling a little better. The future and the possiblities are multi-dimensional, with several layers. Haha. I'm just psyched. And I know it's going to be good. I can't help but feel sad at times though (Fine... several times pa rin. haha!), but as I told Mark... Just feel the sadness. Let it remind you of your humanity. And then move along.

Friday at Central

Thank you Marls for posting last Friday's pics!

I made a couple of new friends last Friday! Claire, David, and Jay. Mariless invited me to join their Friday gimik at Central BBQ Boy Grill, this relatively new tambayan along Aguirre in BF Paranaque. I really didn't know what to expect. Mariless said she had two Korean friends. And well, I am quite the Soompi fan. Haha. David and Jay were both very courteous, quite contrary to the usual Korean men depicted in the movies. Jay was extremely funny. Claire is their headmistress. Haha. She's been teaching Korean students English for the past five years!

Of course, the queen of Central was ever present! Rosan filled in real nicely. Mariless is as makulit as ever! I can't believe I've known these girls since I was five years old! GVS was where we all first met. And we're all approaching our thirties... Golly...

It was a fun fun evening! I got to learn three new drinking games! I left Central a little before 4am. Deng. Again, I wonder where I get the energy to stay up at that hour and still drive home. Thank you, my guardian angel!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Condo Girls Reunion

Sunday afternoon, Jan, Lery, and I visited April at their new home in Alabang Hills. April is leaving for NZ in less than two weeks, and it was high time we Condo Girls got together!

It was the first time we all got together after almost seven years! Can you believe it?! It was also the first time Jan and I saw April's kids, Kenzo and Sophia. Kenzo was feeling camera shy, hence his absence in this picture. Gosh... April's kids look very Japanese!

The Isla's Zen home shook with our bursts of loud laughs. It was but necessary that we talked about Jan's college crushies. She couldn't believe her bad taste in men back then. Haha! Lery and I brought Baked Salmon and Chicken Croquettes from Conti's. Yummy!

We all did a lot of sharing. Lery shared with us that three of her high school best friends are married or engaged. She needs to be married by next year. We are all rooting for you Lery!

Jan had moments of amnesia about the stuff we reminded her about. Haha. We all teased her about the romantic possibilities April was sure she was not capable of resisting. As for Karma, we're all very sure Jan will end up with a gorgeous guy.

As for moi, April told me that A+B=C. I should be smart enough to figure it out. Haha.

We did about 5 hours of catching up! Jan, Ler, and I just basked under the bright colors of April's love life. So very showbiz, so very dramatic, and at times, so very funny.

We miss Maan! I could probably try and photoshop her in this last picture. She completes the Condo Girls team. Now, April is moving to Auckland. She's been trying to sell New Zealand to me since last Thursday. Hehe.

Ahh... memories of college yet again. I've had a good dose of college reminiscing this week. Best years of my life so far, I say. I don't think it would've been as fun if I went home to Paranaque every day. The condo added so much color to our Ateneo lives. I suddenly remember our usual Saturday ride home. Maan in her green Nissan. We'd drive thru McDonald's for lunch. We all brought most of our shoes home (You'll never know what pair you'll need, so better safe than sorry!).

Lery and I promised to take Jan to Central (she's never been, and we're pretty incredulous because she's from BF!).

We wish April and Archie lotsa luck as they take on this new challenge in their lives. It must be pretty scary to migrate to a different country. But it makes it less scary if you have someone to pursue it with. And if the long term benefits are transparent.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ina's 13th Birthday

Ok. I have to create an entry in the TanquilutFamily blog for this. But I'd like to post some pics here nonetheless. Hehe.

Ina celebrated her 13th birthday last Saturday at their Casa Marias home. I was expecting to see pizza and spaghetti on the lunch spread. But we feasted on lechon, sugpo, crabs, and Kare-Kare instead. Grown-up food for this dalagita's celebration. Ina's super wacky 7th grade friends from DLSZ were there. And they all enjoyed striking a pose for Ate Ten:

Gosh. I am still in denial that Ina, my god daughter and playmate, is 13. Her first teen year. She's curly now (and will be for the next month or so). Last Saturday, she was in her kikay drab. How time flies talaga... I can't help but feel a little sad about the beginning of her journey as a young adult. Ate Love and I share the same sentiment... We wish they (Ina and Iris) could stay four years old forever.

Iris also sported a new do last Saturday. Short and sweet. Miss Sixth Grade rep will be going to a leaders' conference in a few weeks.

I wore Iris's glasses for kicks. Grabe. Nahilo ako! I think I look ok with glasses. I'm glad I don't actually have to wear them. Yet.

We all used to have the same shoe size. Now the girls have bigger feet than mine. I bought my brown flats at Zara kids and I think they buy theirs sa adult section na. Deng.

We're all going on a shopping trip next Sunday. I'm excited and I hope that pushes through.

I love these girls. I can't imagine not seeing them at least once in two months. It's amazing how the things which bother me just fly out the window when I'm with them. They're truly heaven sent.

Saturday at Central

Friday evening I met with Mariless and her Korean friends at Central BBQ Boy Grill. It was my first time then, and I was pleasantly surprised at the Bora-feel of the place. It reminds me of Bora... prolly because of the young crowd, the bean bags, and the mixed drinks in plastic jars. The price is A-Ok! High school students wouldn't complain.

So Saturday, I suggested we have our inuman session in Central. And by "we", I mean Mark and Yssang. It was Mark's evening (supposedly). He wanted to be the jolly, happy man, given all the hoopla in his life right now. So he treated me and Yssang to an BBQ and inuman fest.

Here are Yssang and Mark raising their shot glasses. This drink is our favorite (Central calls this "Bad Trip", but Rosan said they should probably rename it "Hassle"). We toasted to John Mayer, to love, to moving on, and to Coldplay. Haha. Latter part of the evening, we played a drinking game (which I learned the night before from Mariless's Korean friend, Jay) called "31". Yssang, without a doubt, took the trophy home! Haha!

I like Central's Squid Kropek. Yum. It had thyme and rosemary sprinkled on top. Dipped in vinegar pa.... perfection!

So this is me. Designated driver who of course was very sane and able after our drinking spree. Cheers!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Super Fun Thursday!

What a day this has been!! I actually had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. Sarap lang to sleep. I arrived in the office a little past 8, and most of the peeps were there. The morning just passed us by! Lunch time was super fun. We had a process roll-out with complimentary 2 piece Chicken Joy lunch. Highlight of the roll-out was the ice breaker we played. Of course, it was the listing game our team in Dow frequently played. Category for today, That's Entertainment and Ang TV stars. My favorite unique answers, Manolet Ripol and Lailani Navarro. Classic. In the afternoon, Mike and I had a conference call with the very smarty Mark J. It was funny how Mark just had to mention the Implementation Plan five times. Haha! I gentle reminder to Mr. San Juan I guess. He also had to remind me about my "de-bag."

I left the office early to pick up Moie and Tina at UBP. We visited three candidate venues for our MTS Sports Fest. We went to Meralco, Ateneo, and Club 650. Ateneo seems like a good place to hold our sports fest. The field's pretty expanse, so we can do a lot of outdoor games. Us three girls then decided to have merienda-cena at Sweet Inspiration. The Ateneo campus and Sweet Inspi brought back so many pleasant college memories! Those days when we'd shell out almost everything in our wallets for the Eat-All-You-Can Mongolian buffet. I was just smiling the whole time, while I devoured my lasange and strawberry cheesecake.

Later that evening, I met up with Lery, April, Joyce, and Meg at Portico in Serendra. April and her family are migratiing to New Zealand. From 830 pm till 1am, we were just laughing our asses off. I miss the Origbench girls and the Condo girls. Olga was radiant and shared her very interesting stories. Haha! Meg made us laugh with her super witty comments. Joyce was such a joy! She found something out about Ward, which Lery and I thought she already knew about. Haha! April was super funny. And Lery... Haha! The girls teased her because she still laughs the same, walang sound. Haha.

We finished a bottle of wine at Portico (Thank you Olga!). So many funny hirits and kwentos. I love Meg's kwento about their household helper who makes Kelso look like Einstein. Haha. This is the first time the "origbench" barkada (Miriam girls and us South girls) got together in a really long time. Ironically, Joyce and Meg are not original origbenchers. Haha. MIA are Lotte, Arni, Jennie, Maan, and Irene.

We moved to Larry's Bar (where we ate the super yummy lava chocolate cake and the cupcakes Joyce bought at Cupcakes by Sonja). More kwentuhan and kulitan. Grabe. Sarap lang tumuwa. We never ran out of stories to tell and memories to relive. Haha.

April was saying she couldn't believe she was still out at 1AM! She's usually in bed before 10PM. Deng! Iba na talaga kapag mommy at pamilyado. I recall April saying, "Nung dalaga pa ako..." We all heartily laughed. Haha!

Haaaay... Nakakamiss ang college. And these girls who we all met ten years ago. We all shared a bench along EDSA Walk. We were the only freshies with a bench back then (Thanks to Paul Chua!). Good times and fun times. I continue to be amazed at friends who I don't see often but still have this semi-cosmic connection with. Same feeling with my blockmates. The magic of college lang talaga. Haha!

We plan to visit April at her house in Alabang this Sunday. Ler and I are in charge of bringing food which will go well with rice. Haha. That should be fun. I haven't seen April's and Joyce's kids. Ever. Time to make it up to them!

Random Thoughts Today...

** I've been chatting with Ate Mylene when I realized and told her that I am pretty excited about what this year and the next brings. I guess at the beginning of the year and late last year, I had a specific series of events which I had in mind. But now, given the latest developments, I'm pretty excited. The future's unknown (and I say this quite often), and I'm pretty psyched about what's to come and what's going to happen. So many possibilities!

** Lery asked me for updates earlier today. And I told her vaguely that my "updates" took a really interesting turn. A twist I was not expecting! Haha! I wasn't able to elaborate anymore, but I recall making that remark with a smile. Haha.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

IWD Freebies

This entry is for Paui Delicious... Hehe!

Here are the freebies I got from IWD. The clutch bag came in different colors. I got the pink and orange one, which is great since I own a lot of pink and orange stuf. The moisturizer's nice. I've tried it once. Hehe. Nothing beats Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizer... Although I do get pimples every once in a while.... ANYWAY! The bracelet's cute too. I think I would have been happier to receive earrings.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Toosday with Figgy

Karina and I belong to the Tuesday club! We usually have our weekly rendezvous on Tuesdays. Today, we had dinner at Guava (in Serendra)! I finally experienced first hand what the hoopla was all about. Food was good! We ordered the Prichon Wrap, Monggonisa (Monggo sauteed in Longganisa), and the Chicken Adobo. Yum yum! Our waiter Chris was super courteous. Figgy and I like exchanging some friendly banter with waiters. Service was good! I promised to take my family to Guava... and a few other peeps who like trying out new restos.

We finally received an SMS from Maan yesterday! This was, without a doubt, the highlight of my Monday. She's super busy with her 12 hour work days. She said 24 hours was not enough for the stuff she had to do. Karina and I wish we were with our JB sister. I guess that's one of the nice things about living and working in Manila. You can actually go out with your pals on a weekday. On a regular basis. Haaaaay... I miss those sporadic JB dinners...

Random Thoughts for the day...

** Champion ang Pinoy Big Brother Season 2! I actually watch this show more often than I watch American Idol. AI6 kinda sucks. PBB 2 rocks. Everyday is an interesting episode! I was merrily squeeling when I saw Dionne and Zeke on the couch! Practically on top of each other! Dionne's excuse? Human blankie for the sick Zeke. Whatevah!

** On my drive home, I was tuned in to 89.9. I caught Brando Braganza, and he was super funny!! Boys club talaga. Lots of sexual innuendos.

** Yesterday, I was at home before 630, asleep before 9! Haha! I didn't have that uninterrupted slumber, but sleeping is just awesome. Haha. The simple joys and natural highs. Like today, I think I was all smiles while having dinner at Guava. It's just nice to have a great meal. The dining experience of course is taken to greater heights if shared with great company.

** Revisiting some of my all-time favorite shows yesterday... Sex and the City (which is fab fab fabulous) and Will and Grace. Most of my friends associate me with Karen (for being well endowed and for possessing a shrill, witch's cackle-esque laugh). But lately, I am feeling more like Grace. Grace in her college days, when she was confused and had bad hair. Haha! Classic. Funny how all the little signs made sense.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weekend of Slumber (and lamon)

Friday night was one of the more tiring nights in recent Schmenten history. I was in the office till 3AM. Some of my other officemates were still there when I left. Keysi and I, being the vampiric career-driven girls that we are, met at 330am and had dinner/midnight snack/breakfast at Old Swiss Inn. Our conversation mostly orbited around the planet of work. I was home at 530am. And I was just beat.

I got up at 1130am Saturday, pleasantly surprised to find my aunts milling around the bed with the very adorable Fonzie! I had lunch with them and lo and behold, was back in bed an hour after having lunch. I slept until 6PM! Haha! I heard the 7PM mass at San Antonio De Padua. I kind of miss hearing mass alone, as weird as that sounds. I've had the best meditations and contemplative moments when I hear mass alone. Anyway... I kind of felt the need to go out. It was a Saturday evening, and although lying in bed and watching Pinoy Big Brother sounded very tempting, I texted Macky and Karina. I picked up Karina from Prince Tower and we met up with Macky at Greenbelt. We had drinks and dessert at People's Palace (which is without a doubt, the best Thai restaurant in Manila for me). I ordered the Mango Cheesecake and it was yummy...

There was an interesting couple in the nearby table. The guy seemed to be very emotional, and he was crying, I think. The girl he was with, was reassuring him and just hugging him. The three of us grew very curious of this guy's story. But of course, we ended up talking about Macky's crushies from college and some horrible stories about the guys he despised. Haha.

Sunday saw more sleeping for me. Sarap lang to sleep. The family went out to have dinner at one of our favorite restos in ATC, Omakase. It's this quaint Japanese restaurant inside Casa Susana. We later had dessert (chocolate fondue) at Swiss Inn. Yummy! Below Swiss Inn was the BMW store, and Papa told me to take a picture of him with the car. Haha. Bagay na bagay, we told him.

All in all, twas quite the restful weekend. Gave me time to digest all the career stuff that took place this week. Gave me time to catch up on PBB too! Tonight's episode was pretty interesting! I discovered tonight, through SMS exchanges with Yssang, that she and I shared the same affection for Mickey. He is super adorable. Haha. I hope he wins. Winner moment of tonight was when Kuya's huge red phone broke when Toni put the phone back on the receiver. Haha. Classic. Love live TV!

Random Thoughts...

The future is simply unpredictable. You make plans, work towards them best that you can. And then the universe throws you a curve ball, perhaps challenging how much you want those plans to happen, or maybe offering you a better alternative. Last year, I made plans, and well... here I am. I have to say though, that I have no regrets about how things did turn out. A little better than I expected. A lot of tough days when I had to battle with my very expectant self. But time just has a way of making you understand and perhaps accept certain realities.

I have to say that I'm pretty scared of what's ahead. So many possibilities. Some of them beyond my control. But I do know that whatever comes my way, it'll be something I can handle.

(Friday) Night at the Office

(I wrote this one early Saturday evening)

Wow. It's almost 3AM and I am still in the office. They turned the airconditioning off a few hours ago and I am feeling the oil from all the pizza I ate on my face. Haha. Some of us stayed in late because of a couple of implementations. I stayed as the UAT shake out tester. I officially finished my tasks about twenty minutes ago. I've been chatting with Ate Mylene, Jozie, and Daisy. Keysi is still in the office, and we're trying to figure out if we have time to eat at Old Swiss Inn a little past three. She's still working on her status report, but she's still not sure when she'll finish. *Sigh* I can feel the fatigue.

These guys still in the office actually do this much O.T. on a regular basis. I don't mind staying in late because i don't need to do it often. I don't know how the others do it and still manage to come to the office. It's close to amazing. I think I've had my share of regular super late nights and that just drained everything out of me. I now appreciate all the days when I can leave the office when the sun is still up, be in bed before Pinoy Big Brother, and sleep right before the show ends.

I can only imagine what goes on inside their heads, "why the hell am I doing this to myself?" Hehe. Say hello to these hardworking office peeps...

Manny Villar and Ricky "Nahulog Me" Rivor

The very hardworking ESS Lead

If you look up close, Mike's eyes were pretty bloodshot. Sleepy na kasi.

Jessica, the Siebel Princess

Ume-extra na Testing Person. Daks Me.

This week has seen a lot of career development action for me. Changes in the near future, I see (so very Yoda-esque to say). Dan has asked me a lot of very good questions. Questions which I think I have not been able to convincingly answer myself. Haha. Why do I want to do what I want to do? Opportunity, I say. And as my wise friends Irene and Sam have so eloquently put it, "there's so much more out there." I have been grateful for my experience here though.

Haaay... I don't want to leave my project as of yet. People here are great and super fun. Work load's just right (for me and my team). I can do a mix of my MTS stuff. I dunno... :) But I have faith that the tides will take me to where I ought to be. At least Dan and Chad know what I want and what i don't want.

I guess a lot of my reservations lie on the possibilities here in Manila, where the tides will take me. Then there's the need to take charge of my life and do what I want to do. Maybe my confusion lies in the fact that I haven't fully made up my mind about what I want. I think there are certain things that I want, which more recently, as revealed by the universe, may not be what's right for me at this time. I want it, but I guess there's only so much I can do to make it happen.

Okie.. so last week it was the MSG talking. I think this week, it's the ghastly hour (ten to three a.m.)

Monday, March 12, 2007

From the baul...

I was going through my stuff last weekend when I saw these two old pics! We used to hang these two pics in my room, but I think my high school and college grad pics have dethroned these two old things.

Do I look the same?! Haha! Moie said di ko raw kamukha. Hehe. Anyway, I am on the prowl for some eighties looking pics of the family. Might be nice to post something nostalgic on the family blog.

[Movie Schmovie] 300

A visual treat! I was pretty excited to see this movie, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the 12MN screening was full! Most of the peeps in the audience had their trusty tall cafe lattes to keep them up. The cinematography is nothing short of stunning. Wow. I do know they did most of the stuff CG. Although there was a lot of bloody, violent scenes, I didn't feel disgusted. It felt beautiful and artistic. Haha. Yes. Even the beheadings. Gerard Butler has a very king-ly presence. It was a treat to see so many guys with six-pack abs! Haha! Story-wise, it wasn't as engaging as Gladiator. I was most surprised with Rodrigo Santoro (Yummy surfer dude from Charlie's Angels II, and yummy office mate who Laura Linney was crushing on in Love Actually). Giant bakla! Haha! But he was good as the Persian King/God. I think guys will generally like this movie. Lotsa testosterone going around.

Interesting Saturday...

I had a pretty interesting Saturday... I was on the go a little after eleven to bring Tita Mila's letter of invitation to the travel agency in Makati. I had forgotten to drop it off Friday night. After that, I went straight to Las Pinas. Ate Abi and I are part of Kuya Lan and Monina's wedding entourage. We had our fitting at the shop just across the Nature Church. After having a quick lunch at Almanza, I dropped Ate Abi off and went to Rockwell where I met up with Grozie. I met a few new peeps (Dustin, Dom, and Joey). We had dinner at Kulinarya where Jozie of course, had to have a Jozie moment. Haha.

I then went to Greenbelt and briefly chatted with Karina, irving, Anna and Bene at Bubba Gump. Interesting how Bene said that I knew a lot about relationships. the wisdom you inherit from the experiences of your friends. Keysi went to Bubba gump and then I accompanied her to Rockefeller where she had a very late dinner. We saw the 12MN show of 300 (which I will most definitely blog about in a while)

I was at home a little past three and the Cafe Americano I had in Segafredo kept me up for another thirty minutes. I had contemplated about blogging at 4AM but I figured Im better off lying down and resting

My random thoughts from saturday...

** Having a connection with someone is a pretty rare thing. For me that is. It's not exactly a physical thing (I can hear Paolo and Suzie scoffing right now). Sometimes, it isn't instant. But I think for me, I sort of know at the very beginning. Even for those guys who I become friends with first, before taking that deadly non-platonic plunge. And it isn't something which you plan for. I think the common denominator for me is an engaging conversation.

** The wisdom of friends go a long way. I think I owe a lot of my relationship/love wisdom to my girl friends, who had made me a part of their lives. Sometimes, listening to their woes makes me feel relieved that I'm single. But most of the time, seeing them share that Kodak moment look with their special someones, makes me happy to know that it is possible to find someone who complements you and wants to make you happy. Ok fine. Sometimes, I feel a twinge of envy. But more happy for them than envious. Haha.

** The pervasive topics of conversations last Saturday (across all the groups I hung out with), were relationships and dating. Dustin was saying something about girls who play games. Who make pakipot. Dom and Dustin I met just last Saturday, and it was pretty interesting to see them nod whilst I explain what I knew about dating, about guys and girls. About long distance relationships, about the consistency of actions, about how something can mean nothing. And how nothing can mean everything. Bene was sharing something about girls and being mature. It's pretty interesting to see guys who hook up with older girls. Most of my cousins have ended up with guys who are younger ( a majority of them!) But I think I'm setting the age bar to two years. Anyone younger than Rommel is just too young! I know I'm pretty in tune with my maternal instincts (and I do like taking care of someome). but please. No baby sitting! Anyway, different points of view. It's always interesting to hear what guys have to say. And how girls take something to mean differently. But at the end of the day, there aren't any hard fast rules (just like what Alex Hitch said).

Saturday, March 10, 2007

MSG Talking

I found this nice blog. Being the 80s freak that I am, I found myself smiling at most of the entries in Nostalgia Manila.

Brings me back to those days when my "designer" pieces included this Twice as Nice yellow and green top, acid wash USED demin miniskirt, and a navy blue Esprit hoodie. Hehe.

This has inspired me to look for my most baduy picture from the years of nostalgia. Hmm... I could do the same for our family blogger!

Today was an ok day. I had to weave through close to a hundred new emails. I was gone for a day, but so much happened in my absence. I did however, manage to squeeze in a lunch out with Aileen. She's leaving in two weeks (I'm of course very happy for her! She's been waiting to catch a break for the longest time). We drove to Powerplant mall, which I realized is not that far from Cybergate! Ten minutes going to Plant, and another Ten (via J.P. Rizal) going back. We were supposed to buy ice cream at FIC when of course, I just had to visit Zara. Aileen and I miss those days when we'd have breakfast every Friday. I would come in the office early because of color coding, and Aileen is always early. We sampled the breakfast goodies close to the office... Yumyum Tree, Cabalen, M Cafe, Italianni's, Max Brenner, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Dulcinea, Pancake House... Haha. Lamon fest!

Random thoughts for the day...

Yas and I had this really nice talk while eating our instant cup noodles (talk about a pathetic excuse for Friday dinner!). I was telling her that I used to think of finding someone who was exactly like me, but I've realized it's actually finding someone who complements me (complementing each other). I met the male version of Schmenten back in college. It sounded like a nice, romantic idea then, but we never really clicked.

In the end, I don't think it's about finding that someone who meets all your non-negotiables and is everything you ever wanted. They never are.I guess perhaps, what you might want changes over time. It's about finding that someone who you'll have a certain, comfortable dynamic with.

I think I'm ranting now. Haha. Must be the MSG from that cup-o-noodles.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Poems from "In Her Shoes"

Because I got home early, I was able to catch "In Her Shoes" in Star Movies. Keysi mentioned that this was a pretty good movie. And yes, as expected and in true Schmenten fashion, I shed a few tears in the touching parts of the movie. It made me think about sisterhood. I don't have a biological sister, but I have sisters in Karina and Maan. I super love these girls, and I can't imagine how much more pa if we were really biological sisters.

I especially liked the two poems Maggie (Cameron Diaz's character) read:

I Carry You With My Heart
by ee Cummings

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)


One Art
by Elizabeth Bishop

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel.
None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.


Okeh!! Enough poetry! PBB time!!

IWD at Makati Shang

Celebrate. Inspire. Empower. Naks... Big words for our IWD event!! I was at the Makati Shang a little past six a.m. Make up was first on the list, and it was quite a treat to be in the same powder room as some of the senior execs. The hair guy blow dried my hair and the make up artist, Mr. Jerome, did quite a good job!

Anyway, the program started a little past nine. I made a new friend in Dinday! I see her around the office a lot before, but I met her for the very first time today. We chatted a lot about what it's like working in the company for some six years now.

I enjoyed the panel discussion with all these great women: Katrina Legarda, Alya Honasan, Lucci Cruz Valdez, Chit Juan, Nieves Confesor... Wow... Such accomplished women! I particularly enjoyed Chit Juan's presentation. It was pretty insightful (about how women are naturally nurturing or can do multi-tasking). She's the CEO of Figaro. Katrina Legarda's pretty scary. Haha. I can imagine why some men might be intimidated by her.

Here are the peeps from my table. I know Norie from a testing training course I took last year. They asked the attendees of the IWD event to come in business attire! It was actually a nice change to see the ladies dressed up.

Now, this is the only picture I have of myself (taken by my camera) in the event. Check out the weird light which reflected on my face! Haha! I look like someone who has waaaay too much powder. Reflection lang yun ah!!

The panel discussion itself was ok. I got to speak up twice. The questions asked were not as fun as I had hoped. Haha. I shared something about "trying to disprove the stereotypes of women" and how balancing work and personal life is a success factor for me, personally. I was hoping they'd ask more interesting questions like... Is it true if you stay in the firm, you'll end up a driven workaholic who's perenially single. Haha. I had a few thoughts about that!

Anyway, I couldn't resist not taking a picture of myself after the event, in the confines of my car. Rare are these occasions where I have make-up on. I think the last time I went to the parlor to be made up was December 2005 (Cathy's wedding).

It was nice driving along SLEX with the sun still up.

Take away points of the day... Hmm... Success is relative. Be who you are. Everything's a choice.

Take away goodies of the day... This cute pink and orange clutch bag, a bracelet, moisturizing creme... and!! As luck would have it, a 1000 GC from Tony and Guy! I won the raffle! Haha! So time to get some parlor action! What a nice way to end this women's day!

International Women's Day

Happy IWD to all the women in the world!!

On this day, Schmenten is up at 4:45am! Haha! I'm just waiting for my hot water to boil before I take a bath (no heater kasi sa banyo). I'm up this early because the organizers of the IWD event at the office have asked us to come in at six for make-up! I can't believe how bongga this event is! Make up?! I hardly wear 'em. Maybe twice a year on special occasions.

They've sent us questions which we should potentially answer for the panel. Deng. I dunno if I can answer them seriously. I've put some thought into some of them, but I'm a little apprehensive they won't be as meaty as the others. How can I describe the typical woman in the company?? Single, workaholic, and driven.

Oh well! I hope it turns out well. I have my trusty black jacquard jacket for my business attire. Mike did have a point yesterday when he said I should have had it dry cleaned. Who knows what happens over the weekend in the office. Hehe.

Ok! Water's ready! Wish me luck everyone (sa bath and on being a panelist)!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Fontana Weekend with the JBs

Lamon. TV. Tawa. All courtesy of my JB friends, Karina, Irving, Bibay, Erik, and Macky! Last weekend, we all headed up north. We spent Saturday and Sunday bunked in a 2 bedroom villa (4108) in Fontana, Pampanga. Macky drove the Mina's trusty revo and we listened to the tunes on my iPod.

For the first time since September 2006, I took the kitchen reigns again and made us merienda! Pesto cream pasta with chicken nuggets and philly cheese. Yummy!

It was truly a laid back weekend. We were glued to the TV for the most part of Saturday evening. We had a late adobo dinner and si Kars ang nagsaing. We saw the PBB episode where Mickey revealed he knew how to speak Tagalog. We were all very delighted to also see the 7th housemate, Robert (he's just as yummy as the pesto cream pasta!)

I think most of us were beat from our respective work weeks. I dozed off in the couch after two servings of adobo and three glasses to Absolut citron mixed with Sprite. Hehe. Irving was down and out before 9PM! Kars, Erik, and Bibay slept at around one a.m. After taking my nap, I took a shower. I was not surprised that Macky, being the energetic fabulous goddess that he is, still had a lot of energy. We stayed up talking till almost 4 AM! While absently watching South Park, That 70's Show, and Kathy Griffin's My Life in the D List.

I think the talk and the two glasses of Citron mixed with Sprite did me a lot of good. I slept like a baby who, unfortunately for Irving and Karina, snored rather loudly. Haha! I got out of bed at 10:30 AM. Here's my chikadora partner still snoozing...

We had a big big brunch Sunday morning! Bibay and Erik checked out the water park, in the hopes of seeing cuties. When they returned, we feasted on Tiling's Kaldereta, hotdog cocktails, adobo, and longganisa. I brought my trusty coffee press with me, so we made Starbucks coffee! While eating, Macky entertained us by saying, "Tyra mail!" We had a hearty laugh at our jokes of combining all the famous lines from reality shows... "Your picture was the worst of the bunch... You're fired! Auf Wiedersehen" Ahh... Sarap lang tumawa.

I can't believe how fast time flew... After lunch, I was wishing we could stay another night.

So we bid Fontana adieu!

We stopped by the PX stores to buy some imported loot. I was happy to find Caramel filled kisses!

On our way back to Manila, we gave in to our Halo-halo cravings. We stopped by Razon's along one of the NLEX gas stations. Check out Macky's Dinuguan smile!

We dropped P.I. off and we made a side trip to one of my favorite places. The Ateneo campus! i realized how much I miss school and college. These halls... speak so much of amazing memories and great people. After seven years, it all seems like a dream.

I had a heavy feeling in my heart when we left Ateneo. Life was simpler back then. There was a natural progression of things. And seeing your crush makes your day.

We dropped everyone off in Makati. Macky and I headed south together. I can't believe the southern crew has decreased in number. Ironically, the opening of Shopwise Sucat caused quite a traffic jam in Sucat Road.

Haaaay.... and now, it's the beginning of another work week. We all wish we could be back in Fontana. Next time, two nights seem like a better idea. I was disappointed I didn't get drunk. Haha. I think I was tired and too full to be intoxicated. Hehe. But it was good. Relaxing, laid back, and super laugh trip. I love these guys.